Infrared cabins

Infrared cabins

Design, quality & sustainability first.

Physiotherm© | [Sale last stock models at big discounts - Clearance!].

Original Austrian infrared cabins. Medically approved infrared cabins. Suitable for elite athletes as well as the elderly.

We are selling our last pieces, directly in stock, at 25% discount. Placements available on request.

  • 1) Last piece | Comfort I | the latest generation and modern cabin in dark compact laminate jura slate effect with dark fumed glass by | New price: 9990€ - Now: 7493€ (-25%) SOLD OUT
  • 2) Last Piece | Eco-fit 1pp cabin | 89x89x196cm| New price:4840€ - Now: 3000€ (-38%)
  • Home assembly possible, from €500. + km allowance.
  • 3) Last piece | Ergo-Balance I (-38%) SOLD

A sneak preview, the Ergo-Balance I (one-person)

The Physiotherm Principle

The best heat for your health

Is possible through the Physiotherm principle

The Physiotherm principle use innovative approach to infrared technology to use heat very gently, efficiently and safely. The two most important components are the patented ceramic heating element filled with lava sand and our low-temperature infrared technology.

The Physiotherm principle

The low-temperature infrared cabins of Physiotherm operate within the thermo-neutral zone (air temperature between 27 and 37 °C). At an air temperature of about 30 °C, infrared radiation is uniform and contact-free through the back via a specially developed radiator (a ceramic rod tube filled with lava sand). Heat is therefore in only a limited area of 10 to 12% of skin surface present (ideal the back) via continuous infrared radiation. The heat can be intensely adjusted to suit your needs or your comfort level or your personal heat capacity of your skin.

Heat is distributed through this surface of your spine to the blood. The pleasant and slightly warmed blood (mixed on 90% unheated to 10% warmed blood) flows to all internal organs of the body and the body temperature will gently and continuously increase to 0.2 to 0.3 °C. Heat is then redistributed from inside the body via the blood - and the body is  fully heated. The body can dissipate excess heat by sweating the skin at an ambient temperature of only 37 degrees, without the heart having to make efforts.

The Physiotherm principle thus demands only low physical effort in sweating, even in a session of only 30 minutes. Notwithstanding this low temperature, it will still fully warm up the body and cause intense sweating and will promote full circulation of the body.

Using Physiotherm infrared cabins can improve blood circulation through the organs, but also in muscles, tissues and skin, stimulates metabolism, and moderates in the  immunity system. Heavy sweating may also help in the detoxification or detoxification and purification process of our body. These are just some of the benefits of pleasant in-depth heat that can help us in our overall health and fitness.

The Physiotherm principle:

The low-temperature infrared cabins of Physiotherm work within the thermoneutral zone (air temperature in the infrared cabin between 27 and 37 °C). At an air temperature of about 30 °C, the user's back is evenly and contactlessly heated with infrared radiation by the lava sand-filled ceramic radiator. The heat is thereby delivered only very locally - over 10 to 12 % of the skin surface (ideally the back) - via continuous infrared radiation. The intensity of the heat can be adjusted to individual well-being or heat absorption capacity.

Heat is distributed to the entire body from the region of the spine via the blood. The influx of slightly heated blood to the internal body (in a ratio of 90 to 10) is not stopped, so the body temperature is gently and continuously raised from the start (0.2 to 0.3 °C). Thereafter, the heat is spread via the blood from inside to outside - causing the whole body to heated through and through. Excess heat can be re-released by the body through the expansion of blood vessels in the skin and through the formation of sweat more easily than at ambient temperatures above 37°C.

The Physiotherm principle puts very little strain on the cardiovascular system even when used for more than 30 minutes. It therefore allows intensive "reheating" with intensive perspiration and improves blood flow to the entire organism.

Using Physiotherm's infrared cabins can improve circulation and care of organs, muscles, connective tissue and improve skin. In addition, the technology used helps promote metabolism, form pain-relieving transmitters and the modulate the immune system. In addition, strong perspiration can support detoxification and detoxification of the body. These are just some of the effects of healing depth heat, which can bring relief to numerous health complaints.

The following conditions must be met if heat is to penetrate the skin optimally:

  • Thermoneutral zone (air temperature in the infrared cabin between 27 and 37 °C)
  • Irradiation of 10 - 12 % of the skin surface (ideally the back)
  • Uninterrupted infrared radiation
  • Heat supply without load
  • Contactless heat supply without direct pressure contact
  • Low temperature principle (limited strain on cardiovascular system)

Or read Physiotherm founder Schwarzenberger's book on infrared.

Link to official physiotherm website